What's your review of the 2007 comedy film 12 In a Box, directed by John McKenzie, and starring Miranda Hart? #12InaBox #TwelveInaBox #JohnMcKenzie #KatyWix #MirandaHart Do you want to watch 12 In a Box? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it? Scroll down for more information!
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12 In a Box plot from IMDb: "At a school reunion dinner in a remote country mansion, a dozen people are offered the chance to collect a million pounds each if they can stay on the estate, cut off from the outside world, for 96 hours. With deaths, sexual intrigue, kidnapping, and spiraling levels of farce and confusion, the action barely pauses for breath as it heads towards its "Will they or won't they succeed" climax."
The 12 In a Box trailer can be found online.
Directed by John McKenzie
Produced by Bruce Windwood
Written by John McKenzie
Production company: Masses Entertainment
Distributed by Cinevolve
Release date: September 2007 (Zurich)
Running time: 93 minutes
Cast and Characters:
Ed Bennett PC Willis
David Burrows-Sutcliffe Sgt Porter
Robert Cargill Alan Hayward
Lucy Chalkley Samantha
Gareth Clarke Simon
Kenneth Collard Barry
Ian Groombridge Darren
Miranda Hart Rachel
Robert Hines Gary
Belle Mary Hithersay Alice (as Belle Hithersay)
Anjella Mackintosh Shirley
Jane Mcdowell Julie
Brian Mitchell Brian
Glynne Steele Adam
Phoebe Sweeney Tina
Clare Welch Martha
Geoffrey Wildey Butler
Paul Williamson Bill
Katy Wix Andrea