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An Elf's Story: The Elf on the Shelf 2010 Christmas Animated Short Film

What's your review of the 2010 animated short Christmas film An Elf's Story: The Elf on the Shelf? It's directed by Chad Eikhoff.

#AnElfsStory #ElfontheShelf #Christmas #Christmasanimation #Christmasfilms #Christmasfilm #Christmasmovie #Christmasmovies Do you want to watch An Elf's Story: The Elf on the Shelf? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?

About An Elf's Story: The Elf on the Shelf 2010

Wondering where to watch An Elf's Story: The Elf on the Shelf? If you know anywhere to stream or watch An Elf's Story: The Elf on the Shelf full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.

An Elf's Story: The Elf on the Shelf plot from IMDb:

Cast and Characters:

Brendan Dooling - Chippy

Michael May - Taylor McTuttle

Doug Williams - Santa Claus

Leslie Bellair - Snowflake

Shameik Moore - Zart

Cory Rouse - Wordsworth

Matt Henson - Dad

Tatiana Guy - Mom

Evie Eikhoff - Kendyl

Julia Walters - Caroline

Chadwick Halbritter - Logistics Elf

Michael Davidson - Mail Delivery Cart Elf

Emma Greene

Todd Sayre

Chanda Bell

Tara Burtchaell

Production Companies

Big Canoe Entertainment

Trick 3D (in association with)

Prana Studios

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