What's your review of the 2017 animted film Angela's Christmas? It's directed by Damien O'Connor, based on the book by Frank McCourt, and stars Malachy McCourt and Lucy O'Connell. #AngelasChristmas #FrankMcCourt #MalachyMcCourt Do you want to watch Angela's Christmas? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it? Scroll down for more information!
About Angela's Christmas
Alternative titles (from Letterboxd): Le Noël d'Angela, 안젤라의 크리스마스
Wondering where to watch Angela's Christmas? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Angela's Christmas full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, Disney Plus, DVD, or blu-ray.
Angela's Christmas plot from IMDb: "Set in Ireland in the 1910s, 'Angela's Christmas' is a funny, heart-warming and poignant story about the power of family and the innocent desire of a child to ensure everyone is safe, warm and loved at Christmas time."
The trailer can be found online.
Cast and Characters:
Malachy McCourt as Narrator
Ruth Negga as Mother
Caitríona Balfe as Dorothy's Mother
Vivian Drew as Tom
Anya O'Connor as Aggie
Brendan Mullins as Pat
Lucy O'Connell as Angela
Brian Gleeson as Guard
Pat Kinevane as Father Creagh / Mr. King
Don Wycherley as Accordion Player
Directed by Damien O'Connor
Written by Will Collins, Damien O'Connor
Based on Angela and the Baby Jesus by Frank McCourt
Produced by Ellen McCourt
Production companies: Brown Bag Films, 9 Story
Distributed by Netflix
Release date: December 8, 2017 (Los Angeles), November 30, 2018
Running time: 30 minutes