What's your review of the 2024 Christmas film Bad Tidings? It's directed by Tim Kirkby, with a cast including Lee Mack and Chris McCausland.
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About Bad Tidings 2024
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Bad Tidings plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt32249644/
Cast and Characters:
Lee Mack - Neil
Chris McCausland - Scott
Rebekah Staton - Stacey Brennan
Ben Crompton - Big Barry Brennan
Emily Coates - Ashleigh Brennan
Josiah Eloi - Little Barry Brennan
Sarah Alexander - Laura
Millie Kiss - Chloe
Elizabeth Bennett - Grandma
Vanessa Donovan - Mel - News Reporter
Tupele Dorgu - Sabrina
Brayden Emmanuel - Officer Boyce
Alicia Forde - Holly
Leila Hoffman - Evelyn
Rich Keeble - Euan
Grace Long - Officer Dillon
Maggie Ollerenshaw - April
Sunil Patel - Raj
Screenplay by Laurence Rickard, Martha Howe-Douglas, Chris McCausland
Directed by Tim Kirkby
Music by Paul Hartnoll
Production company: Sky Studios
Network: Sky Max
Release: 22 December 2024