What's your review of the 2015 film Beverly Hills Christmas? #BeverlyHillsChristmas #BeverlyHills #ChristmasMovies Do you want to watch Beverly Hills Christmas? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it? Scroll down for more information!
If you know anywhere to stream or watch Beverly Hills Christmas full movie online free (and legally!), feel free to share this information!
Beverly Hills Christmas plot from IMDb: "With help from a guardian angel, a spoiled rich, very material teenage girl learns that true value is found in assisting others and not in material things."
Director: Brian Skiba
Writers: F.D. Lewis, Michael Rutkowski (rewrite) (as Mike Rutkowski)
Cast and Characters:
Ravin Spangler Ravin Bennett Foxworth
Donna Spangler Angelina
Brandon Tyler Russell Jerry
Kirsten Lea Carol Bennett Foxworth
Dean Cain Archangel Gabriel
Simona Fusco Yvonne
Vincent De Paul James Bennett Foxworth
Andy Cohen Tom
Clayton Cannon Peterson
Mara Rydell Lucille
Thomas Beaumont Deacon Scott
Jack Pomeranian Bunny the Dog