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Caillou's Holiday Movie 2003 Animated Christmas Film | Review

What's your review of the 2003 animated Christmas film Caillou's Holiday Movie? It's directed by Nick Rijgersberg.

About Caillou's Holiday Movie 2003

Wondering where to watch Caillou's Holiday Movie? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Caillou's Holiday Movie full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.

Caillou's Holiday Movie on IMDb:

Cast and characters:

Annie Bovaird as Caillou

Merlee Shapiro as Storyteller

Jennifer Seguin as Doris

Pat Fry as Boris

Jesse Vinet as Rosie/Kid Elf

Vince Davies as Leo

Brigid Tierney as Clementine

Amanda Tilson as Sarah

Pauline Little as Grandma/Elderly Woman

George Morris as Grandpa

Jason Szwimer as Elf

Dean Patrick Fleming as Fireman Eric

Liz MacRae as Leo's Mom

Walter Massey as Santa

Jennifer Morehouse as Firewoman Stacie/Elderly Woman

Terry Simpson as Mailman

Amanda Strawn as Teacher Loraine

Brian Wrench as Jonah

Directed by Nick Rijgersberg

Story by Peter Svatek

Music by Leon Aronson

Production company: CINAR Corporation (Caillou Special 1 Productions Inc.)

Distributed by Sony Wonder

Release dates: October 7, 2003 (United States), October 28, 2003 (Canada)

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