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Cock O' the Walk 1935 Disney Silly Symphony Cartoon Short Film

What's your review of the 1935 Disney Silly Symphony animated cartoon short film Cock O' the Walk? It's directed by Ben Sharpsteen. #CockOtheWalk #SillySymphonies #SillySymphony Do you want to watch Cock O' the Walk? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?

About Cock O' the Walk

Wondering where to watch Cock O' the Walk? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Cock O' the Walk full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, Disney Plus, DVD, or blu-ray.

Cock O' the Walk plot from IMDb: "The title character comes to town, complete with portable boxing ring. He grabs a local chicken and dances with her, inspiring several other barnyard animals to dance. But her rooster takes offense, and enters the ring to do battle."

Cast and Characters:

Florence Gill as Hens

Clarence Nash as Ducks

Directed by Ben Sharpsteen

Produced by Walt Disney

Music by Frank Churchill

Color process: Technicolor

Production company: Walt Disney Productions

Distributed by United Artists

Release date: November 30, 1935

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