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Donald's Gold Mine 1942 Disney Donald Duck Cartoon Short Film

What's your review of the 1942 Disney animated cartoon short film Donald's Gold Mine? It's directed by Dick Lundy, and stars Clarence Nash as the voice of Donald Duck.

#DonaldsGoldMine #DonaldDuck #DonaldDuckcartoons Do you want to watch Donald's Gold Mine? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?

About Donald's Gold Mine

Alternative titles (from Letterboxd): La mina de oro de Donald, Donalds Goldmine, La miniera d'oro di Paperino

Wondering where to watch Donald's Gold Mine? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Donald's Gold Mine full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.

Donald's Gold Mine plot from IMDb: "Donald is digging in his gold mine, mostly generic looking dark rocks, and being clumsy, to the great amusement of his burro, when he accidentally fills his cart with a load of pure gold. "

Cast and Characters:

Clarence Nash as Donald Duck and Donkey

Directed by Dick Lundy

Produced by Walt Disney

Music by Oliver Wallace

Color process: Technicolor

Production company: Walt Disney Productions

Distributed by RKO Radio Pictures

Release date: July 24, 1942 (U.S.)

Running time: 7 minutes

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