What's your review of the Fat Actress episode Hold This (S01E07)? It's directed by Keith Truesdell, and stars Kirstie Alley as herself.
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About Fat Actress Season 1 episode 7 (1x07) Hold This
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Plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0578224/?ref_=tt_ep_nx
Director: Keith Truesdell
Writers: Brenda Hampton, Kirstie Alley
Cast and Characters:
Kirstie Alley - Kirstie Alley
Bryan Callen - Eddie Falcone
Rachael Harris - Kevyn Shecket
Mark Curry - Max Cooper
Michael McDonald - Sam Rascal
Rhea Perlman - Self
Jeff Zucker - Self
Hiram Kasten - Agent
Tait Ruppert - Chuck Manson