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Father of the Bride 1950 Film | Spencer Tracy, Elizabeth Taylor, Joan Bennett

What's your review of the 1950 film Father of the Bride? It's directed by Vincente Minnelli, and stars Spencer Tracy, Elizabeth Taylor, and Joan Bennett.

#FatheroftheBride #SpencerTracy #ElizabethTaylor #JoanBennett #VincenteMinnelli Do you want to watch Father of the Bride? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?

About Father of the Bride 1950

Alternative titles (from Letterboxd): Der Vater der Braut

Wondering where to watch Father of the Bride? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Father of the Bride full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.

Father of the Bride plot from IMDb:

The trailer can be found online.

Cast and Characters:

Spencer Tracy as Stanley T. Banks

Joan Bennett as Ellie Banks

Elizabeth Taylor as Kay Banks

Don Taylor as Buckley Dunstan

Billie Burke as Doris Dunstan

Moroni Olsen as Herbert Dunstan

Marietta Canty as Delilah

Russ Tamblyn as Tommy Banks

Tom Irish as Ben Banks

Paul Harvey as Reverend Galsworthy

Leo G. Carroll as Mr. Massoula

Melville Cooper as Mr. Tringle

Directed by Vincente Minnelli

Screenplay by Frances Goodrich, Albert Hackett

Based on Father of the Bride 1949 novel by Edward Streeter

Music by Adolph Deutsch

Production company: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

Distributed by Loew's, Inc.

Release dates: May 18, 1950 (New York), June 16, 1950 (USA)

Running time: 92 minutes

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