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Fresh Fish 1939 Warner Bros Merrie Melodies Cartoon Short Film

What's your review of the 1939 Warner Bros Merrie Melodies animated cartoon short film Fresh Fish? It's directed by Tex Avery. #FreshFish #MerrieMelodies #TexAvery Do you want to watch Fresh Fish? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?

About Fresh Fish

Wondering where to watch Fresh Fish? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Fresh Fish full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, Disney Plus, DVD, or blu-ray.

Fresh Fish plot from IMDb: "A tour of the waters near a South Sea island, introducing us to the various kinds of marine life, including the pickled herring, the hermit crab, the starfish, a seahorse race, and many other puns. Among the running gags, a two-headed fish who keeps asking for directions to Mr. Ripley and a professor in a diving sphere looking for a rare wim-wam whistling shark."

Cast and Characters:

Mel Blanc as Tuna

Danny Webb as Fish Teacher

Tex Avery as Prof. Mackerel Fishsticks

Sara Berner as Starfish

Robert C. Bruce as Narrator

Kent Rogers as Old Crab

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