What's your review of the 2018 Hallmark film Garage Sale Mystery: Murder In D Minor? It's directed by Neill Fearnley, and stars Lori Loughlin as Jennifer Shannon.
#GarageSaleMystery #LoriLoughlin #Hallmark Do you want to watch Garage Sale Mystery: Murder In D Minor ? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?
About Garage Sale Mystery: Murder In D Minor 2018
Wondering where to watch Garage Sale Mystery: Murder In D Minor? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Garage Sale Mystery: Murder In D Minor full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.
Garage Sale Mystery: Murder In D Minor plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8750664/
Director: Neill Fearnley
Writers: John Whelpley, Suzi Weinert
The trailer can be found online.
Cast and Characters:
Lori Loughlin - Jennifer Shannon
Sarah Strange - Dani
Steve Bacic - Jason
Eva Bourne - Hannah
Connor Stanhope - Logan
Kevin O'Grady - Detective Lynwood
Jay Brazeau - Tramell
Matthew Harrison - Drew
Michael Ryan - Conrad Siles
Chris William Martin - Jacques
Nicola Lipman - Helen Bauer
Sean Tyson - Dwyer
Jeff Joseph - Dean Connick
Alison Wandzura - Carolyn
Mel Tuck - Karl Dietz
Garrett Black - Howie Nash
Devielle Johnson - Coach Byers
Jesse Irving - Rick Nason