What's your review of the 1987 film Hiding Out, directed by Bob Giraldi, and starring Jon Cryer and Keith Coogan? #HidingOut #JonCryer #KeithCoogan Do you want to watch Hiding Out? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it? Scroll down for more information!
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Hiding Out plot from IMDb: "A stockbroker on the run from the mob decides to hide out from them by enrolling as a student in high school."
The Hiding Out trailer can be found online.
Directed by Bob Giraldi
Produced by Jeff Rothberg
Written by Joe Menosky, Jeff Rothberg
Music by Anne Dudley
Cinematography: Daniel Pearl
Edited by Edward Warschilka
Distributed by De Laurentiis Entertainment Group
Release date: November 6, 1987
Running time: 98 minutes
Budget: $7 million
Box office: $7.02 million (domestic)
Cast and Characters:
Jon Cryer as Andrew Morenski/Maxwell Hauser
Keith Coogan as Patrick Morenski
Annabeth Gish as Ryan Campbell
Claude Brooks as Clinton
Oliver Cotton as Killer
Tim Quill as Kevin O'Roarke
Tony Soper as Ahern
Ned Eisenberg as Rodriguez
Marita Geraghty as Janie Rooney
John Spencer as Bakey
Gretchen Cryer as Lucy Morenski
Anne Pitoniak as Grandma Jennie
Beth Ehlers as Chloe
Richard Portnow as Mr. Lessig
Gerry Bamman as Mr. Stevens
Jack Gilpin as Dr. Gusick
Joy Behar as Gertrude
Lou Walker as Ezzard