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Hoodwinked 2005 Animated Little Red Riding Hood Film

What's your review of the 2005 animated Little Red Riding Hood film Hoodwinked? It's directed by Cory Edwards, Todd Edwards, and Tony Leech.

#Hoodwinked #LittleRedRidingHood #animation Do you want to watch Hoodwinked? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?

About Hoodwinked

Alternative titles (from Letterboxd): リトル・レッド レシピ泥棒は誰だ!?, Hoodwinked! The True Story of Red Riding Hood, Hoodwinked, PiROSSZka - A jó, a rossz, a farkas, MEGAnagyi, Tapaus Punahilkka, Capuchinho Vermelho - A Verdadeira História, Hoodwinked 1, 빨간 모자의 진실, Sannheten om Rødhette, Deu a Louca na Chapeuzinho, Hoodwinked! 01 Hoodwinked!, 小红帽

Wondering where to watch Hoodwinked? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Hoodwinked full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.

Hoodwinked plot from IMDb: "Little Red Riding Hood, the Wolf, the Woodsman, and Granny all tell the police the events that led up to their encounter."

The trailer can be found online.

Cast and Characters:

Anne Hathaway as Red Puckett

Glenn Close as Granny Abigail Puckett

Jim Belushi as Kirk, the Woodsman

Patrick Warburton as Wolf W. Wolf

Anthony Anderson as Det. Bill Stork

David Ogden Stiers as Det. Nicky Flippers

Xzibit as Chief Ted Grizzly

Chazz Palminteri as Woolworth

Andy Dick as Boingo

Cory Edwards as Twitchy

Benjy Gaither as Japeth the Goat

Ken Marino as Raccoon Jerry

Tom Kenny as Tommy

Preston Stutzman as Timmy

Tony Leech as Glen

Joshua J. Greene as Jimmy Lizard

Mark Primiano as 2-Tone

Kevin Michael Richardson as P-Biggie

Tara Strong as Zorra

Tye Edwards as Dolph

Kathryn J. Lovegren as Quill

Directed by Cory Edwards

Screenplay by Cory Edwards, Todd Edwards, Tony Leech

Story by Cory Edwards, Todd Edwards

Produced by Katie Hooten, Maurice Kanbar, David K. Lovegren, Sue Bea Montgomery, Preston Stutzman

Edited by Tony Leech

Music by John Mark Painter

Production companies: The Weinstein Company, Kanbar Entertainment, Kanbar Animation, Blue Yonder Films

Distributed by The Weinstein Company

Release dates: December 16, 2005 (Los Angeles, California), January 13, 2006 (United States)

Running time: 80 minutes

Box office: $110 million

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