What's your review of Horrible Science episode S01E06: Gruesome Guts? It's directed by Simon Gibney, written by David Armand, and stars Alexander Armstrong, Tom Bell, and Letty Butler.
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About Horrible Science Gruesome Guts
Wondering where to watch Horrible Science? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Horrible Science episodes online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.
Horrible Science plot from IMDb: "Poo, pizza and disgusting germs! Why do we poo and how does digestion work? Who was Louis Pasteur and how did he help? Mark arrives at the studio with terrible stomach pains and asks The Shrinkings Scientists to find out what's wrong with him - in their toughest mission yet Dr Sensible, Professor Small and Junior get ready to fly up Mark's nose to investigate."
Cast and Characters:
Alexander Armstrong as Tannoy
Tom Bell as Bob
Letty Butler as Lucy
Jason Forbes as Junior
Eleanor Lawrence as Professor Small
Chris Martin as Mark
Ben Miller as McTaggart
Susan Wokoma as Dr. Sensible
Marcus Garvey as Louis Pasteur