What's your review of the 2012 film It's Christmas, Carol! with Carrie Fisher? #ItsChristmasCarol #ChristmasCarol #CarrieFisher Do you want to watch It's Christmas Carol? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it? Scroll down for more information!
If you know anywhere to stream or watch It's Christmas Carol full movie online free (and legally!), feel free to share this information!
Alternative titles (from Letterboxd): Коледа е, Каръл!
The It's Christmas Carol trailer can be seen on YouTube.
Director: Michael M. Scott
Writers: William Penick (teleplay), Christopher Sey (teleplay)
Cast and Characters:
Emmanuelle Vaugier Carol
Carrie Fisher Eve
Olivia Cheng Kendra
Tygh Runyan Ben
Patti Allan Gale
Chelah Horsdal Tanya
Rebecca Davis Wendy
Susan Hogan Linda
Robin Douglas Gloria
Jim Thorburn Zac
Johannah Newmarch Susan
Dalila Bela Young Carol (9)
Tanya Champoux Young Linda
Joshua Balfour 9 Year Old Son
Kennedi Clements Emma