What's your review of the 1988 film Laura Lansing Slept Here? It's directed by George Schaefer, and stars Katharine Hepburn as writer Laura Lansing.
#LauraLansingSleptHere #LauraLansing #KatharineHepburn Do you want to watch Laura Lansing Slept Here? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?
About Laura Lansing Slept Here 1988
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Laura Lansing Slept Here plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095502/
The trailer can be found online.
Cast and Characters:
Katharine Hepburn as Laura Lansing
Karen Austin as Melody Gomphers
Brenda Forbes as Doris
Joel Higgins as Walter Gomphers
Lee Richardson as Larry Baumgartner
Nicolas Surovy as Conway
Schuyler Grant as Annette Gomphers
Written by James Prideaux
Directed by George Schaefer
Music by Peter Matz
Production companies: Schaefer/Karpf/Eckstein Productions, Gaylord Productions
Original network: NBC
Original release: March 7, 1988