What's your review of the 1947 film Life with Father? It's directed by Michael Curtiz, and stars William Powell, Irene Dunne, Elizabeth Taylor, and Jimmy Lydon.
#LifewithFather #WilliamPowell #IreneDunne #ElizabethTaylor Do you want to watch Life with Father? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?
About Life with Father
Alternative titles (from Letterboxd): Vivir con papá, Pappa och vi
Wondering where to watch Life with Father? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Life with Father full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.
Life with Father plot from IMDb: "A straitlaced turn-of-the-century father presides over a family of boys and the mother who really rules the roost."
The trailer can be found online.
Cast and Characters:
William Powell as Clarence Day Sr.
Irene Dunne as Vinnie Day
Elizabeth Taylor as Mary Skinner
Edmund Gwenn as Rev. Dr. Lloyd
ZaSu Pitts as Cousin Cora Cartwright
Jimmy Lydon as Clarence Day Jr.
Emma Dunn as Margaret the Cook
Moroni Olsen as Dr. Humphries
Elisabeth Risdon as Mrs. Whitehead
Martin Milner as John Day
Johnny Calkins as Whitney Day
Derek Scott as Harlan Day
Heather Wilde as Annie, 1st maid
Mary Field as Nora, 2nd maid
Monte Blue as The Policeman
Clara Blandick as Miss Wiggins, the Maid Service Employment Agent
Douglas Kennedy as Reverend Morley (uncredited)
Directed by Michael Curtiz
Screenplay by Donald Ogden Stewart
Based on Life with Father 1935 autobiography by Clarence Day, 1939 play by Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse
Produced by Robert Buckner
Cinematography: William V. Skall, J. Peverell Marley
Edited by George Amy
Music by Max Steiner
Distributed by Warner Bros.
Release date: August 14, 1947 (US)
Running time: 118 minutes
Budget: $4,710,000
Box office: $6,455,000