What's your review of the 1951 Disney animated cartoon short film Lion Down? It's directed by Jack Kinney, and stars Pinto Colvig (Goofy) and James MacDonald (Louie the Mountain Lion). #LionDown #Goofy #LouietheMountainLion Do you want to watch Lion Down? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?
About Lion Down
Alternative titles (from Letterboxd): Dingo et le lion
Wondering where to watch Lion Down? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Lion Down full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, Disney Plus, DVD, or blu-ray.
Lion Down plot from IMDb: "Goofy is about to set up a hammock in the backyard of his penthouse apartment but is minus one tree. He immediately decides to get another one but he shows poor judgement in regards that the one he picks is unkowingly the home of a mountain lion. The lion returns to Goofy's penthouse to reclaim his tree."
Cast and Characters:
Pinto Colvig as Goofy
James MacDonald as Louie the Mountain Lion
Directed by Jack Kinney
Produced by Walt Disney
Written by Milt Schaffer, Dick Kinney
Music by Paul J. Smith
Studio: Walt Disney Productions
Distributor: RKO Radio Pictures
Released: January 5, 1951
Running time: 6:33
For reference, below is a list of frequently asked questions and discussion topics! I'll answer some where possible!
Are Goofy and Clarabelle together?
Goofy ad Clarabelle are dating.
Are Goofy and Pete related?
Did Disney confirm that Goofy is a cow?
Nope. Bill Farmer said that Goofy is a species of dog.
Did Goofy have a girlfriend?
Yes, Clarabelle the cow.
How did Goofy get Max?
Mrs Goof, or Mrs Geef, who appeared as the mother of Goofy Junior in some classic shorts.
Is Disney Goofy a cow?
Is Goofy really a dog?
Goofy is a type of dog!
Is Goofy with Clarabelle?
What dog breed is Goofy?
What is the difference between Pluto and Goofy?
Goofy is anthropomorphic, but Pluto is a pet.
What type of animal is Goofy from Disney?
Goofy is a dog.
What's Goofy's full name?
George G. Geef