What's your review of the 2024 film Lonely Planet? It's directed by Susannah Grant, with a cast including Laura Dern and Liam Hemsworth.
#LonelyPlanet #LauraDern #LiamHemsworth #filmreview #filmreviews #moviereview #moviereviews #film #films #movie #movies Do you want to watch Lonely Planet? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?
About Lonely Planet 2024
Wondering where to watch Lonely Planet? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Lonely Planet full movie, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.
Lonely Planet plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt20194882/
Director: Susannah Grant
Writer: Susannah Grant
The trailer can be found online.
Cast and Characters:
Laura Dern - Katherine Loewe
Liam Hemsworth - Owen Brophy
Diana Silvers - Lily Kemp
Younès Boucif - Rafih Abdo
Adriano Giannini - Ugo Jaconelli
Rachida Brakni - Fatema Benzakour
Shosha Goren - Ada Dohan
Heeba Shah - Jesminder Malik
Jean-Erns Marie-Louise - Fabien Durosier
Gustav Dyekjær Giese - Gunnar Norgaard
Michelle Greenidge - Philippa Guscott
Francesco Martino - Luca
Tao Guo - Peng Zhao
Muhammad Abdullah Arabi - Deepak
Yahya Et Tonia - Aziz
Sami Fekkak - Hamid
Naoufal Sabri - Sisi
Halima Ouhamou - Aziz's Grandmother
Production Companies
3dot productions