What's your review of the 2015 German comedy film Look Who's Back? It's directed by David Wnendt, and stars Oliver Masucci as Adolf Hitler.
#LookWhosBack #Hitler #AdolfHitler Do you want to watch Look Who's Back? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?
About Look Who's Back 2015
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Look Who's Back plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4176826/
The trailer can be found online.
Cast and Characters:
Oliver Masucci as Adolf Hitler
Fabian Busch as Fabian Sawatzki
Katja Riemann as Katja Bellini
Christoph Maria Herbst as Christoph Sensenbrink
Franziska Wulf as Franziska Krömeier
Michael Kessler as Michael Witzigmann
Thomas Thieme as Kärrner, TV-station boss
Michael Ostrowski as Rico Mancello
Lars Rudolph as kiosk owner
Ramona Kunze-Libnow as Sawatzki's mother
Gudrun Ritter as Grandma Krömeier
Stephan Grossmann as Prosecutor Göttlicher
Directed by David Wnendt
Screenplay by Johannes Boss, Minna Fischgartl, David Wnendt
Based on Look Who's Back by Timur Vermes
Music by Enis Rotthoff
Distributed by Constantin Film
Release date: 8 October 2015 (Germany)
Running time: 116 minutes