What's your review of the 1993 film Malice? It's directed by Harold Becker, with a cast including Alec Baldwin, Nicole Kidman, Bill Pullman, Anne Bancroft, and Bebe Neuwirth.
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About Malice 1993
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Malice plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107497/
The trailer can be found online.
Cast and Characters:
Alec Baldwin as Dr Jed Hill
Nicole Kidman as Tracy Safian
Bill Pullman as Andy Safian
Bebe Neuwirth as Det. Dana Harris
Anne Bancroft as Mrs Kennsinger
Peter Gallagher as Dennis Riley
Josef Sommer as Lester Adams
George C. Scott as Dr Martin Kessler
Tobin Bell as Earl Leemus
David Bowe as Dr Matthew Robertson
Debrah Farentino as Nurse Tanya
Gwyneth Paltrow as Paula Bell
Brenda Strong as Claudia
Ann Cusack as Waitress
Joshua Malina as Resident
Directed by Harold Becker
Screenplay by Aaron Sorkin, Scott Frank
Music by Jerry Goldsmith
Production companies: Castle Rock Entertainment, New Line Cinema, Nelvana Limited
Distributed by Columbia Pictures
Release date: October 1, 1993