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Matilda and the Spare Head 2020 Animated Short Film | Matilda ir atsargine galva | Review

What's your review of the 2020 Lithuanian animated short film Matilda and the Spare Head (Matilda ir atsargine galva)? It's directed by Ignas Meilunas.

#MatildaandtheSpareHead #animation #animatedfilm #shortfilm Do you want to watch Matilda and the Spare Head? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?

About Matilda and the Spare Head 2020

Wondering where to watch Matilda and the Spare Head? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Matilda and the Spare Head full movie, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.

Matilda and the Spare Head plot from IMDb:

Cast and Characters:

Karolina Leciute

Ignas Meilunas - Principal

Rytis Saladzius

Dovile Sarutyte

Rusne Savickaite - Matilda

Directed by Ignas Meilūnas

Written by Ignas Meilūnas, Dangiras Bugas, Milos Macourek

Production company: M-Films

Distributed by Miyu

Release date: 2019


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