What's your review of Disney's Mickey Go Local episode How Do You Make Kaya? (S01E05) ? It's directed by Bernard To, and written by Ervin Han and Carlene Tan.
#MickeyGoLocal #MickeyMouse #Disney Do you want to watch Mickey Go Local episodes? Did you enjoy the full series or just parts of it?
About Mickey Go Local Season 1 Episode 5 (1x05) How Do You Make Kaya?
Wondering where to watch Mickey Go Local? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Mickey Go Local episodes online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray. Mickey Go Local is currently on Disney Plus.
Mickey Go Local on IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13845582/?ref_=ttfc_fc_tt
The trailer can be found online.
Mickey Go Local Cast and Characters:
Azran Bin Ahmad - Mickey Mouse
Rozita Binti Mohamed Hussain - Minnie Mouse
Shamsir Bin Mohd - Donald Duck, Goofy
Suzana Binti Ahmad - Daisy Duck