What's your review of the Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode Minnie's Picnic (S02E05)? "Oh Toodles!" #Toodles #OhToodles This includes characters Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Goofy, Pluto, Pete, Clarabelle Cow, Chip, and Dale! The show originally aired on Playhouse Disney and is now on Disney Plus.
#MickeyMouseClubhouse #DisneyJr #DisneyJunior #MinniesPicnic Do you want to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse?
About Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Season 2 Episode 5 (2x05)
Wondering where to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episodes online free, feel free to share this information! At the time of writing, this is on Disney Plus.
Plot from IMDb: "Minnie decides to memorialize the newly-unveiled picnic area of the clubhouse by having its first picnic with her friends' help."
Cast and Characters:
Wayne Allwine as Mickey Mouse
Tony Anselmo as Donald
Jim Cummings as Pete
Bill Farmer as Goofy
Tress MacNeille as Daisy
Russi Taylor as Minnie Mouse
Corey Burton as Ludwig von Drake
April Winchell as Clarabelle Cow
A Trampoline
A Wagon
A Beach Towel
A Giant Sponge (Mystery Mouseketool)
Previous episode: Goofy the Baby
Next episode: Goofy In Training