What's your review of the 1987 Disney CGI animated short film Oilspot and Lipstick? It's directed by Michael Cedeno.
#OilspotandLipstick #Disney #MichaelCedeno #CGI Do you want to watch Oilspot and Lipstick? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?
About Oilspot and Lipstick
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Oilspot and Lipstick plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12414564/
Directed by Michael Cedeno
Story by Michael Cedeno, Bruce Morris, Gary Trousdale
Edited by Bob Lambert (video editor), Dave Wolf (film editor)
Music by Jay Ferguson
Animation by Ruben A. Aquino, Michael Cedeno, Brian Clift, Anthony de Rosa, Jim Houston, Tina Price, and M.J. Turner
Layouts by Fred Cline
Backgrounds by Brian Sebern
Production company: Walt Disney Productions
Release date: June 28, 1987
Running time: 3 minutes