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Old MacDonald Had a Farm 1946 Noveltoons Cartoon Short Film

What's your review of the 1946 Noveltoons animated cartoon short film Old MacDonald Had a Farm? It's directed by Seymour Kneitel and Orestes Calpini.

#OldMacDonald #OldMacDonaldHadaFarm #Noveltoon #Noveltoons Do you want to watch Old MacDonald Had a Farm? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?

About Old MacDonald Had a Farm

Wondering where to watch Old MacDonald Had a Farm? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Old MacDonald Had a Farm online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, Disney Plus, DVD, or blu-ray.

Old MacDonald Had a Farm plot from IMDb: "This entry in the "Noveltoons" series (production number P5-3)is an animated "follow-the-bouncing-ball" audience participation sing-along with Farmer MacDonald having his hands full with the barnyard population."

Directed by Seymour Kneitel, Orestes Calpini

Story by Bill Turner, Otto Messmer

Produced by Seymour Kneitel, Isadore Sparber

Music by Winston Sharples

Animation by Orestes Calpini, Otto Feuer

Color process: Technicolor

Production company: Famous Studios

Distributed by Paramount Pictures

Release date: June 7, 1946

Running time: 7 minutes

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