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Plain Clothes 1988 Film | Arliss Howard, George Wendt, Suzy Amis

What's your review of the 1988 film Plain Clothes? It's directed by Martha Coolidge, and stars Arliss Howard, Suzy Amis, and George Wendt.

#PlainClothes #ArlissHoward #GeorgeWendt #SuzyAmis #filmreview #filmreviews #moviereview #moviereviews #film #films #movie #movies Do you want to watch Plain Clothes? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?

About Plain Clothes 1988

Wondering where to watch Plain Clothes? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Plain Clothes full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.

The trailer can be found online.

Cast and Characters:

Arliss Howard as Nick Dunbar

Suzy Amis as Robin Torrence

George Wendt as Chet Butler

Diane Ladd as Jane Melway

Seymour Cassel as Ed Malmburg

Larry Pine as Dave Hechtor

Jackie Gayle as Coach Zeffer

Abe Vigoda as Mr. Wiseman

Robert Stack as Mr. Gardner

Alexandra Powers as Daun-Marie Zeffer

Peter Dobson as Kyle Kerns

Loren Dean as Matt Dunbar

Harry Shearer as Simon Feck

Reginald VelJohnson as Captain Graff

Max Perlich as Carter

Directed by Martha Coolidge

Screenplay by Scott Frank

Music by Scott Wilk

Distributed by Paramount Pictures

Release date: April 15, 1988

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