What's your review of the 1997 Disney film RocketMan? It's directed by Stuart Gillard, with a cast including Harland Williams.
#RocketMan #Disney #Disneyfilm #Disneymovie #filmreview #filmreviews #moviereview #moviereviews #film #films #movie #movies Do you want to watch RocketMan? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?
About RocketMan 1997
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RocketMan plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120029/
The trailer can be found online.
Cast and Characters:
Harland Williams - Fred Z. Randall
Jessica Lundy - Julie Ford
William Sadler - 'Wild Bill' Overbeck
Jeffrey DeMunn - Paul Wick
James Pickens Jr - Ben Stevens
Beau Bridges - Bud Nesbitt
Peter Onorati - Gary Hackman
Don Lake - Flight Surgeon
Bill Jenkins - Mission Controller
Ken Farmer - Mission Controller
Blake Boyd - Gordon A. Peacock
Brandon Kaplan - Young Fred
Paxton Whitehead - British Reporter
Don Armstrong - Anchorman
Pamela West - Nun
Marjorie Carroll - Nun
Claire Birnbaum - School Kid 1
Sean Tweedley - NASA Lab Tech
Directed by Stuart Gillard
Written by Oren Aviv, Craig Mazin, Greg Erb
Music by Michael Tavera
Production companies: Walt Disney Pictures, Caravan Pictures, Roger Birnbaum Productions
Distributed by Buena Vista Pictures Distribution
Release date: October 10, 1997