What's your review of the 2003 film Scorched? It's directed by Gavin Grazer, with a cast including Alicia Silverstone, Rachael Leigh Cook, Woody Harrelson and John Cleese.
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About Scorched 2003
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Scorched plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0286947/
The trailer can be found online.
Cast and Characters:
Alicia Silverstone - Sheila Rilo
Rachael Leigh Cook - Shmally
Woody Harrelson - Jason 'Woods' Valley
John Cleese - Charles Merchant
Paulo Costanzo - Stuart 'Stu' Stein
David Krumholtz - Max
Joshua Leonard - Rick
Ivan Sergei - Mark
Marcus Thomas - Carter Doleman
Jeffrey Tambor - Bank Employer
Max Wein - Loomis
Gavin Grazer - Cleatis
Steven Shenbaum - Winston
Wayne Morse - Gavin
Renee Olstead - Girl Scout
Ron Wein - Angry Man
Nichole Hiltz - Blonde Bikini Girl
Giovanna D'Agnello - Brunette Bikini Girl
Directed by Gavin Grazer
Written by Joe Wein
Music by John Frizzell
Production company: Neverland Films
Distributed by Winchester Films
Release dates: March 18, 2003 (Bradford Film Festival), July 25, 2003 (United States)