What's your review of the 2012 film Seattle Superstorm? It's directed by Jason Bourque.
#SeattleSuperstorm #filmreview #filmreviews #moviereview #moviereviews #film #films #movie #movies Do you want to watch Seattle Superstorm? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?
About Seattle Superstorm 2012
Wondering where to watch Seattle Superstorm? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Seattle Superstorm full movie, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.
Seattle Superstorm plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1910615/
Director: Jason Bourque
Writers: David Ray, Jeff Renfroe
The trailer can be found online.
Cast and Characters:
Esai Morales - Tom Foster
Ona Grauer - Emma Peterson
Jared Abrahamson - Wyatt Foster
MacKenzie Porter - Cloe Peterson
Martin Cummins - Jacob Stinson
Michelle Harrison - Carolyn Gates
Jay Brazeau - Dimitri Kandinsky
Matty Finochio - Ben Jefroe
Dominika Juillet - Sasha
Jesse Moss - Hudson
Thomas Bradshaw - Soldier 1
Jon Johnson - Soldier 2
Owen Kwong - Paramedic
Brenda Crichlow - Reporter
Jim Sced - Merchant
Stephen Spender - AC Op
Production Companies
MarVista Entertainment
Two 4 The Money Media
Province of British Columbia Film Incentive BC