What's your review of the 2023 Peanuts animated short film Snoopy Presents: One-of-a-Kind Marcie? It's directed by Raymond S. Persi.
#Snoopy #OneofaKindMarcie #CharlieBrown #Peanuts #SnoopyPresents Do you want to watch One-of-a-Kind Marcie? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?
About One-of-a-Kind Marcie 2023
Wondering where to watch One-of-a-Kind Marcie? If you know anywhere to stream or watch One-of-a-Kind Marcie full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray. At the time of writing, it's on Apple TV.
One-of-a-Kind Marcie plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt27865284/
Director: Raymond S. Persi
Writer: Betsy Walters
Cast and Characters:
Arianna McDonald - Marcie
Lexi Perri - Peppermint Patty
Etienne Kellici - Charlie Brown
Antonina Battrick - Carlin
Isabella Leo - Lucy / Cry Baby Boobie / Tapioca Pudding
Wyatt White - Linus
Caleb Bellavance - Franklin
Lucien Duncan-Reid - Pigpen '
Natasha Nathan - Patty
Charlie Boyle - Violet
Maya Misaljevic - Frieda
Terry McGurrin - Snoopy
Rob Tinkler - Woodstock
Will Bhaneja - Shermy / Floyd
Jackson Reid - Harold Angel / Thibault / Joe Richkid / Larry
Jacob Mazeral - Jose Peterson
Emily Mitchell - Ruby
Joshua Obasi - Milo
Owen Ross - Leland
Production Companies
WildBrain Studios