What's your review of the 2006 Christmas mockumentary film Stalking Santa? #StalkingSanta #Santa #SantaClaus #mockumentary Do you want to watch Stalking Santa? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it? Scroll down for more information!
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The Stalking Santa trailer can be found on YouTube.
Directed by Greg Kiefer
Produced by Rick McFarland
Written by Daryn Tufts
Production company: Cosmic Pictures
Distributed by Excel Entertainment Group
Release date: 2006
Cast and Characters:
Chris Clark: Lloyd Darrow, the man obsessed with proving Santa's existence.
Daryn Tufts: Clarence Onstott, Lloyd's needy, nerdy intern.
Lisa Clark: Barbara Darrow, Lloyd's ever-patient wife.
William Shatner: Himself, as narrator.
Simon Taylor: Keith Darrow, Lloyd's son