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Star Wars Annual 2020 | Lucasfilm | Egmont

Welcome to my review of the Star Wars annual 2020 book!'

#StarWars #annual #BookTube Hey, BookTubers! I love books. I love Star Wars. I love a 99p bargain from Waterstones! I'd love to know your review and reaction. Scroll down for more information about the contents of the book, and head to IMDb or Wikipedia for more information about Star Wars!


Published by Egmont

Written by Ned Hartley

Designed by Richie Hull and Maddox Philpot

Cover design by Richie Hull

Contents includes: Who's Who!, Draw the Millennium Falcon, Find Leia, Hidden Rebel, Know Your Droids, Design Your Own Droid, Resistance Wordsearch, Droid Doubles, Fix Kylo's Helmet, Posters, Alien Spotting, and more!


(More at

- Film and television adaptations by Terry Brooks, Patricia Wrede, R.A. Salvatore, Karen Traviss, Matthew Stover, Alan Dean Foster, Donald F. Glut, and James Kahn.

- Novelisations including: Expanded Editions; A Junior Novel; The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy; The Empire Strikes Back: So You Want to Be a Jedi?; Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side!; Rey's Story; and Finn's Story.

Authors include Alexander Freed, Matt Forbeck, Alexandra Bracken, Adam Gidwitz, Tom Angleberger, Ryder Windham, Alan Dean Foster, Michael Kogge, Elizabeth Schaefer, Jesse J. Holland, Jason Fry, and Michael Kogge.

Publishers: Del Ray Books, Egmont UK Ltd, Disney Lucasfilm Press.

William Shakespeare's Star Wars by Ian Doescher

Star Wars Part the First

The Clone Army Attacketh

Tragedy of the Sith's Revenge

Verily, A New Hope

Empire Striketh Back

Jedi Doth Return

Force Doth Awaken

Jedi the Last

The original canon stories, short stories, children's books, and more on Wikipedia!


Star Wars Films Order:

Episode I Phantom Menace

Episode II Attack of the Clones

Episode II Revenge of the Sith

Episode IV A New Hope

Episode V The Empire Strikes Back

Episode VI Return of the Jedi

Episode VII The Force Awakens

Episode VIII Return The Last Jedi

Episode IX Rise of Skywalker


Rogue One


Types of Star Wars Droids:

Class One Droids: medical, biological science, physical science, mathematics

Class Two Droids: astromech, environmental, engineering, maintenance

Class Three Droids: protocol, servant, tutor, childcare

Class Four Droids: security, gladiator, battle, assasin

Class Five Droids: general labor, labor-specialist, hazardous-service

Other droids include: interrogation, torture, pilot, scout, administrative, construction, espionage, housekeeping, human replica, librarian, mining, nanny, navigation, tracker, security, service, slicer, and training.

Droid Languages: CBell-1, Bab-Prime, Bab-Neo or Babno, Binary or Droidspeak.

List of Star Wars Droids: 2-1B, 4-LOM, 8D8, 8t88, BB-8, C-3PO, C1-10P, HK-47, IG-11, K-2SO, L3-37, R2-D2.

More at

Official Star Wars website:

Disney Star Wars merchandise: (costumes, toys, clothing, accessories, collectibles, homeware, action figures, remote control droids, and more!)

Star Wars Twitter:

Official Star Wars YouTube Channel:

Official Star Wars Facebook Page:

Directed by J. J. Abrams, George Lucas

Starring: Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, Oscar Isaac, Anthony Daniels

Characters include: Princess Leia, Obiwan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, R2-D2, BB-8, K2SO, Darth Maul, Anikin, Padme

Production company: Lucasfilm Ltd, Bad Robot Productions

Star Wars: Cast and Characters

Carrie Fisher General Leia Organa (Princess Leia)

Mark Hamill Luke Skywalker

Adam Driver Ben Solo / Kylo Ren

Harrison Ford Han Solo

Daisy Ridley Rey

John Boyega Finn

Oscar Isaac Poe Dameron

Anthony Daniels C-3PO voice

Joonas Suotamo Chewbacca Wookiee Millennium Falcon mate

Ian McDiarmid Palpatine / Darth Sidious

Harrison Ford Han Solo

Billie Lourde Princess Leia training

Fictional timeline: The Age of Republic, The Age of Rebellion, The Age of Resistance.

Film Series: Skywalker Saga, The Clone Wars, Anthology (Original Trilogy, Prequel Trilogy, Sequel Trilogy)

Other Star Wars Films:

Holiday Special

Ewok Adventure

Ewoks the Battle of Endor

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