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Star Wars the Rise of Skywalker Episode IX 2019 Film

What's your review of the 2019 Star Wars Rise of Skywalker Episode IX film #RiseofSkywalker #StarWars #GeneralOrgana May the force be with you! There will be SPOILERS! Already bought your tickets and enjoyed your popcorn while watching Star Wars Episode IX on the silver screen? I love Leia! Do you want to watch the Rise of Skywalker? Was your head racing with thoughts like mine? “Does Princess Leia die?!” “Is Rise of Skywalker the last Star Wars film?!” “Will C-3PO be hailed as the real champion?!” (Okay, so that last one may just be me!) Did you see the trailer and then rush out to see the full movie? I’d love to know your own reviews! You can scroll down for more information, or check out the Rotten Tomatoes rating, IMDb page, or Wikipedia article! Do let me know if and when you buy the DVD or blu-ray; I’d love to see the artwork! Would you join the Rebel Alliance? Use the force!

Alternative titles (from Letterboxd): Hvězdné války: Vzestup Skylwalkera, Der Aufstieg Skywalkers, Star Wars: Episodio IX - L'ascesa di Skywalker, Star Wars: Episode 9 - The Rise of Skywalker, 스타워즈-라이즈 오브 스카이워커, 스타워즈 에피소드 9 라이즈 오브 스카이워커, Star Wars - L'ascesa di Skywalker, Star Wars 09 - A Ascensao Skywalker, Star Wars - Episode 9 - L'Ascension de Skywalker, La guerra de las galaxias. Episodio IX: El ascenso de Skywalker, La guerra de las galaxias. Episodio 9, El ascenso de Skywalker, A Ascensão Skywalker, Star Wars - The Rise of Skywalker, Star Wars - Episode IX - L'Ascension de Skywalker, Star Wars - Der Aufstieg Skywalkers, Star Wars : Épisode IX - L'ascension de Skywalker, La Guerra de las Galaxias. Episodio IX. El Ascenso De Skywalker, Star Wars: L'ascension de Skywalker, ვარსკვლავური ომები: ეპიზოდი IX – სქაიუოკერის აღზევება, Star Wars: Epizoda IX - Vzestup Skywalkera, Star Wars - Episode 9 - The Rise of Skywalker, L'ascension de Skywalker, Star Wars 9, Звездные войны: Эпизод IX - Скайуокер. Восход, Звёздные войны: Эпизод IX - Скайуокер. Восход, Звёздные войны: Эпизод 9 - Скайуокер. Восход, Звездные войны: Скайуокер. Восход, El ascenso de Skywalker, star wars el ascenso de skywalker, Der Aufstieg Skywalkers, Зоряні Війни: Скайвокер. Сходження, rész – Skywalker kora, Der Aufstieg Skywalkers, 스타 워즈 에피소드 9 라이즈 오브 스카이워커, Star Wars Episodio IX - El ascenso de skywalker, Звездные войны: Эпизод 9 - Скайуокер. Восход, Звёздные войны: Скайуокер. Восход, 星際大戰九部曲:天行者的崛起

If you know anywhere to stream or watch Star Wars the Rise of Skywalker full movie online free (and legally!), feel free to share this information!

Star Wars Films Order:

Episode I Phantom Menace

Episode II Attack of the Clones

Episode II Revenge of the Sith

Episode IV A New Hope

Episode V The Empire Strikes Back

Episode VI Return of the Jedi

Episode VII The Force Awakens

Episode VIII Return The Last Jedi

Episode IX Rise of Skywalker


Rogue One



Director: J. J. Abrams

Produced by Kathleen Kennedy, J. J. Abrams, Michelle Rejwan

Screenplay by J. J. Abrams, Chris Terrio

Based on characters by George Lucas

Starring: Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Anthony Daniels, Naomi Ackie, Domhnall Gleeson

Music: John Williams

Production company: Lucasfilm Ltd, Bad Robot Productions

Distributed by Walt Disney Studios, Motion Pictures

Release date: December 16, 2019 (Hollywood); December 20, 2019 (United States)

Running time: 142 minutes

Budget: $275 million

Box office: $1.001 billion

Cast and Characters:

Carrie Fisher General Leia Organa (Princess Leia)

Mark Hamill Luke Skywalker

Adam Driver Ben Solo / Kylo Ren

Harrison Ford Han Solo

Daisy Ridley Rey

Cailey Fleming and Josefine Irrera Jackson as Young Rey

John Boyega Finn

Oscar Isaac Poe Dameron

Anthony Daniels C-3PO voice

Domhnall Gleeson General Hux

Richard E. Grant Allegiant General Pryde

Lupita Nyong'o Maz Kanata

Keri Russell Zorii Bliss

Joonas Suotamo Chewbacca Wookiee

Kelly Marie Tran Rose Tico

Ian McDiarmid Palpatine / Darth Sidious

Billy Dee Williams Lando Calrissian

Billie Lourd Lieutenant Kaydel Ko Connix (Princess Leia in the flashback scenes when Leia was training as a Jedi)

Harrison Ford Han Solo

Shirley Henderson Babu Frik



JJ Abrhams voice of D-O

Knights of Ren

Warwick Davis Wicket W. Warrick

James Earl Jones Darth Vader voice

Andy Serkis Snok

Samuel L. Jackson Samuel L. Jackson Mace Windu

Ewan McGregor Obi Wan Kenobi

Alec Guinness Obi Wan Kenobi

Frank Oz Yoda

Freddie Prinze Jr Kanan Jarrus

Liam Neeson Qui-Gon Jinn

Lin-Manuel Miranda Soldier

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