What's your review of the 1942 Fleischer Studios animated cartoon short film Superman: The Arctic Giant? It's directed by Dave Fleischer and Willard Bowsky, and stars Bud Collyer and Joan Alexander as Clark Kent and Lois Lane.
#Superman #TheArcticGiant #Fleischer #FleischerStudios Do you want to watch Superman: The Arctic Giant? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?
About Superman: The Arctic Giant
Alternative titles (from Letterboxd): El gigante del Ártico
Wondering where to watch Superman: The Arctic Giant? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Superman: The Arctic Giantfull movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.
Superman: The Arctic Giant plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0034466/
Cast and Characters:
Bud Collyer - Clark Kent
Joan Alexander - Lois Lane
Jackson Beck - Narrator
Directed by Dave Fleischer
Story by Bill Turner, Tedd Pierce
Based on Superman by Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster
Produced by Max Fleischer
Music by Sammy Timberg, Winston Sharples, Lou Fleischer
Animation by Willard Bowsky, Reuben Grossman
Production company: Fleischer Studios
Distributed by Paramount Pictures
Release date: February 27, 1942