What's your review of the 2002 Disney animated film Tarzan & Jane?
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About Tarzan & Jane 2002
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Tarzan & Jane plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0313680/
Cast and Characters:
Michael T. Weiss as Tarzan
Olivia d'Abo as Jane Porter
April Winchell as Terk
Jim Cummings as Tantor, Merkus
John O'Hurley as Johannes Niels
Jeff Bennett as Professor Archimedes Q. Porter, Robert Canler
Alexis Denisof as Nigel Taylor
Grey DeLisle as Greenly
Nicollette Sheridan as Eleanor
Tara Strong as Hazel
René Auberjonois as Renard Dumont
Frank Welker as Nuru, Sheeta
Directed by Victor Cook, Steve Loter
Screenplay by Mirith J. Colao, John Behnke, Rob Humphrey, Jim Peterson, Jess Winfield
Based on Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs, The Legend of Tarzan by Walt Disney Television Animation
Music by Patrick Griffin, Don Harper, Dave Metzger
Production company: Walt Disney Pictures
Distributed by Buena Vista
Release date: July 23, 2002