What's your review of the That's So Raven first episode Mother Dearest (S01E01)? NOTE: Some sources say that Test of Friendship is the first episode.* Mother Dearest is directed by Lee Shallat Chemel, and stars Raven-Symone.
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About That's So Raven 1x01 (Season 1 Episode 1)
Wondering where to watch That's So Raven? If you know anywhere to stream or watch That's So Raven online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray. At the time of writing, the show is on Disney Plus.
That's So Raven Mother Dearest plot from IMDb: "Raven gets mad and tells off her teacher for calling on her when she didn't know an answer. Raven thought the class would have her back, but they don't. Raven's teacher, Mr. Petrachelli, requests a parent teacher conference with Raven's parents. Raven puts on a purple outfit, disguised as her mother."
Director: Lee Shallat Chemel
Writers: Susan Sherman, Michael Poryes, Bob Keyes
Cast and Characters:
Raven-Symone as Raven Baxter
Kyle Massey as Cory Baxter
Orlando Brown as Eddie Thomas
Rondell Sheridan as Victor Baxter
T'Keyah Crystal Keymáh as Tanya Baxter
Christopher Aguilar as Brendan
Mychal Rayne as Big Guy
Shane Lyons as Kenny Brookwell
Ernie Sabella as Mr. Petrachelli
Anneliese van der Pol as Chelsea Daniels does not appear in this episode.