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The Cleaner - S01E01 The Widow BBC | Helena Bonham Carter, Greg Davies

What's your review of the BBC comedy-crime series The Cleaner? The first episode S01E01 The Widow is directed by Tom Marshall, and stars Helena Bonham Carter (Sheila) and Greg Davies (Paul 'Wicky' Wickstead). #TheCleaner #HelenaBonhamCarter #GregDavies Do you want to watch the first Cleaner episode? Did you enjoy the full episode or just parts of it? Scroll down for more information!

About The Cleaner Series 1 Episode 1

Wondering where to watch the Cleaner? If you know anywhere to stream or watch the Cleaner episodes online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, Disney Plus, DVD, or blu-ray. At the time of writing, it's available on BBC iPlayer.

Plot from IMDb: "Paul 'Wicky' Wickstead, a state-certified cleaning technician, is responsible for the removal of any signs of death from the crime scenes."

Cast and Characters:

Helena Bonham Carter - Sheila

Paul Chowdhry - Man Boy

Paul Blackwell - Arresting Officer

Greg Davies - Wicky

Shobu Kapoor - Neeta

Zita Sattar - Ruth

Tamara Mia Sharpe - Armed Police Officer

Tamara Sharpe - Armed Police Officer

Makeup: Louise Constad for Helena Bonham Carter

Next episode is David Mitchell!

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