What's your review of the Doris Day Show episode Lassoin' Leroy (S03E20)?
#DorisDay #DorisDayShow #TheDorisDayShow Do you want to watch the Doris Day Show Season 3 Episode 20 (3x20) Lassoin' Leroy? Did you enjoy all of the Doris Day Show or just parts of it?
About the Doris Day Show Lassoin' Leroy
Wondering where to watch the Doris Day Show? If you know anywhere to stream or watch the Doris Day Show episodes online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray. I'm currently using the DVD box set.
Lassoin' Leroy plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1340226/
Director: Peter Baldwin
Writers: Jack Elinson, Norman Paul
Cast and Characters:
Doris Day - Doris Martin
Rose Marie - Myrna Gibbons
Philip Brown - Billy Martin
Todd Starke - Toby Martin
James Hampton - LeRoy B. Simpson
Carol Worthington - Ethel Weber
Paul Sorensen - John Wilkinson
Winnie Collins - Clara Bixby
Dan Scott - Tex Bradshaw
Vern Rowe - Waiter
Roland Loudermilk - Red Davis
Jane Aull - Woman
Dee Dee Young - Girl Photographer
Kitty Malone - Souvenir Girl
Jimmie Booth - Rodeo Spectator
Daniel Elam - Rodeo Spectator
Production Companies: Arwin Productions