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The Nativity 1987 Animated Short Christmas Film

What's your review of the 1987 animated short Christmas film The Nativity? It's directed by Don Lusk and Ray Patterson.

#TheNativity #Nativity #Christmas #Christmasfilms #Christmasmovies Do you want to watch The Nativity? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?

About The Nativity 1987

Wondering where to watch The Nativity? If you know anywhere to stream or watch The Nativity full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.

The Nativity plot from IMDb:

Directors: Don Lusk, Ray Patterson

Writers: Bruce D. Johnson, Harvey Bullock, Dennis Marks

Cast and Characters:

Gregory Harrison - Joseph

Helen Hunt - Mary

Vincent Price - King Herod

David Ackroyd - Angel of the Lord

Roscoe Lee Browne - Wise Man

Darleen Carr - Margo

Richard Erdman -

Scott Grimes - Yasha

Richard Libertini

Terence McGovern - Derek

Alan Oppenheimer - Wise Man #2 / Melon Merchant

Rob Paulsen - Moki

Michael Rye - Narrator

Jeffrey Tambor - Eli

Frank Welker - Roman Soldier

Production Companies

Hanna-Barbera Productions

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