What's your review of the 1996 Wizard of Oz animated Christmas film The Oz Kids: Who Stole Santa?
#TheOzKids #OzKids #Christmas #Christmasanimation #Christmascartoon Do you want to watch The Oz Kids: Who Stole Santa?? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?
About The Oz Kids: Who Stole Santa? 1996
Wondering where to watch The Oz Kids: Who Stole Santa? If you know anywhere to stream or watch The Oz Kids: Who Stole Santa? full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.
The Oz Kids: Who Stole Santa? plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118162/
Directed by Bert Ring, Rhoydon Shishido, David Teague
Writers: Willard Carroll, L. Frank Baum (stories)
Cast and Characters:
Marc Allen Lewis - The Nome King / Santa Claus
Eric Lloyd - Neddie
Aaron Michael Metchik - Jack Pumpkinhead
Julianne Michelle - Dot
Bradley Pierce - Boris
Benjamin Salisbury - Tin Boy
Erika Schickel - Dorothy / Glinda
Jonathan Taylor Thomas - Scarecrow Jr
Lawrence Tierney - Rick
Jeremy Weiss - Wooded Tree
Alex Zuckerman - Frank Jr
Shay Astar - Andrea
Shayna Fox - Bela
Production Companies
Canal+ Distribution
Hyperion Pictures
meldac corporation
(in associatio