What's your review of the 2022 film the Song to My Heart? It's directed by Paula Elle, with a cast including Lanie McAuley and Sebastian Pigott.
#TheSongtoMyHeart #filmreview #filmreviews #moviereview #moviereviews #film #films #movie #movies Do you want to watch the Song to My Heart? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?
About the Song to My Heart 2022
Wondering where to watch the Song to My Heart? If you know anywhere to stream or watch the Song to My Heart full movie, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.
The Song to My Heart plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14645614/?ref_=tt_mv_close
The trailer can be found online.
Director: Paula Elle
Writers: Jennifer Edwards, Jenn Miller
Cast and Characters:
Lanie McAuley - Bonnie
Sebastian Pigott - Ryder
Martin Cummins - Hank
Leigh Rachel Faith - Alice
Marnie Mahannah - Emmie
Vincent Ross - Branch
Robert Schramm - Baker
Production Companies
Reel One Entertainment
CMW Horizon Productions