What's your review of the 1992 animated short Christmas film the Teddy Bears' Christmas? It's directed by Paul Schibli.
#TheTeddyBearsChristmas #TeddyBears #Christmas Do you want to watch the Teddy Bears' Christmas? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?
About the Teddy Bears' Christmas 1992
Wondering where to watch the Teddy Bears' Christmas? If you know anywhere to stream or watch the Teddy Bears' Christmas full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.
The Teddy Bears' Christmas plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0140605/
Director: Paul Schibli
Writers: Bill Speers, Gerald Tripp, Patrick Granleese
The trailer can be found online.
Cast and Characters:
Jonathan Crombie - Benjamin Bear
Stuart Stone - Wally Bear
Kylie Schibli - Sally
Ryan Lindsay - Simon
Jonathan Cameron - Boy on Sled
Samantha Rushforth - Betty
Jim McNabb - Santa
Thelma Farmer - Store Clerk / Mother
Johni Keyworth - Night Watchman / Old Man
Production Companies
Lacewood Productions
CTV Television Network
Téléfilm Canada
Ontario Film Development Corporation
Rogers Telefund
CTV Television Network
Family Home Entertainment
Club Super 3
Montevideo Ltd