What's your review of the 2020 animated feature film the Willoughbys? It's directed by Kris Pearn, Cory Evans, and Rob Lodermeier, with a voice cast including Maya Rudolph, Jane Krakowski, and Terry Crews. #TheWilloughbys #Willoughbys #JaneKrakowski #MayaRudolph Do you want to watch the Willoughbys? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it? Scroll down for more information!
Alternative titles (from Letterboxd): Rodzeństwo Willoughby, La Famille Willoughby, 윌러비 가족, La famiglia Willoughby, ウィロビー家の子どもたち, Os Irmãos Willoughbys, Семья Уиллоби, Syskonen Willoughby, משפחת וילובי, Willoughbylar oilasi, ویلابیها, Familien Willoughby, Οικογένεια Γουίλομπι, A Willoughby testvérek kalandjai, Os Willoughby, 威樂比這一家, Willoughby Si Phinong Phachonphai, Willoughby Ailesi, Віллоубі, Gia Đình Willoughby
If you know anywhere to stream or watch the Willoughbys full movie online free (Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc), feel free to share this information! At the time of writing, it's available on Netflix.
Willoughbys plot from IMDb: "Convinced they'd be better off raising themselves, the Willoughby children hatch a sneaky plan to send their selfish parents on vacation. The siblings then embark on their own high-flying adventure to find the true meaning of family."
Willoughbys trailer on IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5206260/
Directed by Kris Pearn
Produced by Brenda Gilbert, Luke Carroll
Screenplay by Kris Pearn, Mark Stanleigh
Story by Kris Pearn
Based on The Willoughbys by Lois Lowry
Narrated by Ricky Gervais
Music by Mark Mothersbaugh
Cinematography: Sebastian Brodin
Edited by Fiona Toth, Ken Schretzmann
Production companies: Netflix Animation, Bron Animation, Creative Wealth Media
Distributed by Netflix
Release date: April 22, 2020
Running time: 92 minutes
Voice Cast and Characters:
Will Forte as Tim Willoughby
Maya Rudolph as Linda a.k.a. The Nanny
Alessia Cara as Jane Willoughby
Terry Crews as Commander Melanoff
Martin Short as Walter "Father" Willoughby
Jane Krakowski as Helga "Mother" Willoughby
Seán Cullen as Barnaby A and Barnaby B Willoughby
Ricky Gervais as The Cat, a talking blue tabby cat
Colleen Wheeler as Orphan Service Agent
Nancy Robinson as Irene Holmes
Kris Pearn as Spoons McGee