What's your review of the 2022 Hallmark Christmas film Three Wise Men and a Baby? It's directed by Terry Ingram, with a cast including Tyler Hynes, Andrew W. Walker, and Paul Campbell.
#ThreeWiseMenandaBaby #Hallmark #HallmarkChristmas #Christmas #Christmasfilm #Christmasmovie #filmreview #filmreviews #moviereview #moviereviews #film #films #movie #movies Do you want to watch Three Wise Men and a Baby? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?
About Three Wise Men and a Baby 2022
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Three Wise Men and a Baby plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt22247482/?ref_=tt_mv_close
Director: Terry Ingram
Writers: Paul Campbell, Kimberley Sustad
Cast and Characters:
Paul Campbell - Stephan
Tyler Hynes - Taylor
Andrew W. Walker - Luke
Margaret Colin - Barbara
Ali Liebert - Fiona
Fiona Vroom - Susie
Matt Hamilton - Mark
Paul Almeida - Hernandez
Jill Teed - Louise
Nicole Major - Sophie
Danny Wattley - Chief McKinley
Chris Gauthier - Kevin
Felicia Simone - Jones
Geoff Gustafson - David
Arran Henn - TV News Correspondent
Faith Wright - Allison
John Shaw - William
Nathan Parrott - Adam
Production Companies
Lighthouse Pictures
Hallmark Channel
W Network
Nova Life
Studio Universal
Super RTL
Happy Entertainment