What's your review of the 2014 Christmas animated cartoon short film Tom and Jerry: Santa's Little Helpers? It's directed by Darrell Van Citters.
#TomandJerry #SantasLittleHelpers #Christmascartoons Do you want to watch Tom and Jerry: Santa's Little Helpers? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?
About Tom and Jerry: Santa's Little Helpers 2014
Other titles from Letterboxd: Tom et Jerry - Droles de lutins pour le père Noel, Tom et Jerry - Drôles de lutins pour le père Noël, Tom e Jerry: Piccoli aiutanti di Babbo Natale
Wondering where to watch Tom and Jerry: Santa's Little Helpers? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Tom and Jerry: Santa's Little Helpers full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.
Tom and Jerry: Santa's Little Helpers plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0055822/
Cast and characters:
Rich Danhakl as Tom & Jerry (uncredited)
Kath Soucie as Tuffy
Nickie Bryar as Cindy
Mark Hamill as Santa
Edie McClurg as Mrs. Clause
Rick Zieff as Devil & Angel Tom
Frank Welker as Jingles
Directed by Darrell Van Citters
Written by Jim Praytor, Robert Zappia
Music by David Ricard, John Van Tongeren
Production companies: Turner Entertainment, Warner Bros. Animation, Renegade Animation (Animation Services)
Release date: October 7, 2014