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Tulips Shall Grow 1942 Puppetoons Short Film

What's your review of the 1942 short Puppetoons film Tulips Shall Grow? It's directed by George Pal. #TulipsShallGrow #Puppetoons #puppetry Do you want to watch Tulips Shall Grow? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it? Scroll down for more information!

About Tulips Shall Grow

Wondering where to watch Tulips Shall Grow? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Tulips Shall Grow full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, Disney Plus, DVD, or blu-ray.

Tulips Shall Grow plot from IMDb: "A young boy and girl, dressed in costumes based on Dutch traditional clothes, find their idyllic, windmill-laden countryside is being over-run by unfeeling, unthinking mechanical men that lay waste to everything in their path. The cartoon (note the title) was a very thinly veiled propaganda film in support of the Netherlands resistance fighters during Nazi occupation in World War 2 (The film was completed when Nazi Germany had completely occupied the Netherlands)."

Directed by George Pal (uncredited)

Story by Cecil Beard, George Pal, Jack Miller (all uncredited)

Originated by: George Pal

Produced by George Pal

Starring Rex Ingram, Victor Jory

Cinematography: George Pal

Music by Eddison von Ottenfeld

Animation by

Chief animator: Ray Harryhausen (uncredited)

Character designer: Wah Chang (uncredited)

Color process: Black and White (black-and-white edition by National Telefilm Associates)

Technicolor: (original 3-strip Technicolor)

Production company: George Pal Productions

Distributed by Paramount Pictures

Release date: January 26, 1942

Running time: 7 minutes

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