What's your review of the 2019 comedy film Wine Country, directed by Amy Poehler, and starring Poehler, Maya Rudolph, and Tina Fey? #WineCountry #AmyPoehler #MayaRudolph #TinaFey Do you want to watch Wine Country? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it? Scroll down for more information!
If you know anywhere to stream or watch Wine Country full movie online free (and legally!), feel free to share this information!
Wine Country plot from IMDb: "During a vacation to Napa Valley, a group of long time friends reunite and revisit past choices in this hilarious and heartfelt comedy from director Amy Poehler."
The Wine Country tailer can be found online.
Directed by Amy Poehler
Produced by Morgan Sackett, Amy Poehler
Screenplay by Emily Spivey, Liz Cackowski
Story by Amy Poehler, Emily Spivey, Liz Cackowski
Music by Wendy Melvoin, Lisa Coleman
Cinematography: Tom Magill
Edited by Julie Monroe
Production companies: Paper Kite Productions, Paper Pictures, Dunshire Productions
Distributed by Netflix
Release date: May 8, 2019
Running time: 103 minutes
Cast and Chararacters:
Amy Poehler as Abby
Rachel Dratch as Rebecca
Ana Gasteyer as Catherine
Maya Rudolph as Naomi
Paula Pell as Val
Emily Spivey as Jenny
Tina Fey as Tammy
Maya Erskine as Jade, a waitress and Val's love interest
Jason Schwartzman as Devon
Cherry Jones as Lady Sunshine, the tarot card reader
Jay Larson as Brian
Liz Cackowski as Lisa
Sunita Mani as Dolly
Greg Poehler as Doctor Dickswing
Brené Brown as herself