What's your review of the 1968 film With Six You Get Eggroll, starring Doris Day and Brian Keith? [OPEN FOR LINKS AND FACTS!] #WithSixYouGetEggroll #DorisDay #BrianKeith Do you want to watch With Six You Get Eggrolls? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it? Scroll down for more information!
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The With Six You get Eggroll plot from IMDb: "Two widowed people fall in love and marry, unprepared for the hostile reactions of their children."
The With Six You get Eggroll trailer can be found on YouTube.
Directed by Howard Morris
Produced by Martin Melcher
Screenplay by Gwen Bagni, Paul Dubov, Harvey Bullock, R.S. Allen
Story by Gwen Bagni, Paul Dubov
Music by Robert Mersey
Cinematography: Ellsworth Fredericks, Harry Stradling Jr.
Edited by Adrienne Fazan
Production companies: Cinema Center Films, Arwin Productions
Distributed by National General Pictures
Release date: August 7, 1968
Running time: 95 minutes
Box office: $10,095,200
Cast and Characters:
McClure family
Doris Day as Abby McClure
John Findlater as Flip McClure
Richard Steele as Jason McClure
Jimmy Bracken as Mitch McClure
Pat Carroll as Maxine Scott, Abby's sister
Herb Voland as Harry Scott, Abby's brother-in-law
Iverson family
Brian Keith as Jake Iverson
Barbara Hershey as Stacey Iverson
George Carlin as Herbie Fleck
Alice Ghostley as Abby's maid, Molly
Jamie Farr as Jo Jo
William Christopher as Zip-Cloud
Elaine Devry as Cleo Ruskin, Jake's next-door neighbor
Milton Frome as Bud Young
Jackie Joseph as Georgia Watson
Victor Tayback as truck driver
Allan Melvin as Police Desk Sergeant
The Grass Roots as themselves